Running a successful website requires hard work and dedication. Even if you do put in the time, success is not guaranteed. To put it simply, you have to work smart and hard. On the Internet, information is plentiful, and it’s hard to convince potential visitors that visiting your site is worthwhile. Some statistics show that a visitor stays on a site for about fifteen seconds before moving on. A high bounce rate – indicating the percentage of visitors who live a site they visited without clicking on any of its additional pages – can suggest a website didn’t match the visitor’s expectations or needs If it seems you’re trying your best, but traffic numbers are not as high as you would like them to be, we have a few helpful suggestions.

Lack of High Quality Content

Content is absolutely crucial when it comes to attracting visitors. If you don’t publish fresh content regularly, people will quickly learn that you’re not a reliable source of information they’re looking for, and they’ll go somewhere else. But to simply have content is not enough – it has to be good, and visitors should realize that they can’t get that kind of useful information elsewhere. Make sure your content is grouped into categories of sorts, so that users can find whatever they need; include the most essential information on the landing page, and adding a navigation map is a good idea as well.

Server and Hosting Related Issues

Users have little patience for waiting – studies have shown that an average user is willing to wait for no more than 4 seconds for a website to load. This means bad server and hosting services can cause you real damage: if your website is slow to load, or if its downtime’s high, chances are you’ll have no regular visitors. A good web hosting makes life easier in terms of maintenance and site updates. We strongly suggest you avoid free hosting as it’s notorious for slow loading time and pop ups which make the site look unserious.

Landing Page Problems

The design of the landing page represents one of the most essential aspects of conversion rate optimization. Visitors appreciate a site which will direct and lead them in a clear and concise manner. If your landing page is confusing or scattered, visitors will have a hard time navigating. Most likely they’ll wander around the site without a clear idea of what they should do next. Examine your landing page and reshape it into a more intuitive design.

Mobile Unfriendly Design

A majority of people surfs the Internet on smartphones and tablets, and your website should be optimized for them. If you’re running a WordPress based site, the easiest way to do so is to use a responsive theme. That way the page will be resized automatically depending on the size of the user’s window. This means you can check how the site will look on smaller screens by reducing the size of the browser window.

Non-existent SEO Strategy

Good SEO strategy is a prerequisite for any long-term success. Using strategic keywords and unique content goes a long way in attracting and keeping visitors. It’s the most important part of your digital marketing technique and all your social media and content production should be aligned with it.

Although there are dozens of SEO strategies, some essential aspects of each one include optimizing the title tag, as Google uses it to obtain the basic information on a site. Write it accurately and avoid keyword stuffing. The same should be applied for meta descriptions (also the URL of each page shouldn’t use a set of symbols or numbers –write concise descriptions of pages instead). Create a tight network of internal links; they help Google understand how are the various pages on your website related, and what is their hierarchy and relevance for users’ search queries. And finally, focus on site security, especially if you’re running a site that processes transactions – keeping your users’ data safe is imperative.

Stick to these advice and you’ll see results in matter of weeks. Continue to work and use these principles to attract a constant flow of both new and repeat visitors.