The main difference in domestic or overseas adventure travel and more conventional vacation are the challenges adventure travel presents to the more intrepid wanderer. Traditional travel to a foreign city might include a visit to some museums, good meals in interesting restaurants, trips to shopping centers for souvenirs and perhaps one or two guided tours around the city. At night you might go to the theater or a night club and return to the comfort of your hotel suite.

In international adventure travel, you will arrive at the airport and most probably be carted off by truck or by a smaller plane to some remote location that will be the start of your adventure. You may be sleeping in a tent, carrying your “luggage” on your back, and shopping for the food you’ll cook for yourself in a native market. There’s no room service when you trek through the Grand Canyon, dog sled across the ice wasteland of Greenland, climb a peak at the South American Andes, or snorkel through the ruins of an ancient civilization.

Are There Drawbacks To Adventure Travel?

Any time you place yourself in remote regions and engage in challenging activities there’s a chance of injury or even death. Although you will be required to receive numerous inoculations, you can contract diseases or be bitten by venomous insects or serpents. But in the greater scheme of things, we all live with risk every day. City dwellers can be murdered for their pocket change or run down while crossing the street. Be assured that the companies and guides who will assist you in your adventure travel have done this kind of thing many times and more of those times than not, they bring their tourists home safely – they wouldn’t stay in business very long if they didn’t.

Which Are The Most Popular Adventure Destinations?

The potential for adventure travel destinations is as broad and varied as the globe itself. You can arrange to go kayaking, snorkeling, fishing, scuba diving, trekking, and windsurfing – and just about anything else you can come up with. Chances are good if you are the adventuresome sort you already have some potential destinations in mind. Use the Internet to do your basic research and then visit with your travel agent for any local service as flight arrangement, local transports, visa on arrival  and guide. Before you know it you’ll be rafting down some jungle river or summiting of the world’s greatest peaks.

Adventure tourism is not for everyone. These excursions require a lot of physical and mental effort. Often the travel is risky and the accommodations far from comfortable. That’s why adventure travel tours should be evaluated carefully. You may want to start with a small outdoor adventure travel or family adventure travel and work up to the more daring stuff. Regardless, however, domestic and overseas adventure travel is guaranteed to give you once-in-a-life time experiences and memories.