The exponential advances in the business technology have required us to improve our overall behaviours. In this case, business owners should learn about new tricks related to e-mail etiquette. E-mail is still one of the most preferred ways of doing business, although many of use also often use instant messaging and social networking services for communicating with co-workers, suppliers and customers. It is important that we are able to manage our e-mail as entrepreneurs. Here are things that we should do:

E-mail Etiquettes for Business Owners

  • Use appropriate title, keep it short, sweet and simple: For many of use time is of the essence. We should save ourselves some time, so we should keep our e-mail messages simple, sweet and short. Our email messages should be appropriately titles, so they would match the content. By reading the titles, recipients would directly know about the content of our e-mail messages.
  • Maintain professional and cordial tones at all times: We should use proper grammar and professional language whenever possible with who we correspond regularly, such as staff, associates, vendors and others. We could use the spell-checking features to improve the accuracy of our email messages. Often, we need to use the standard language in the hospitality industry, although our company is in a completely different field.
  • Use auto signature: It is advisable to use auto signature that contains all the necessary information, such as name, company name, address, email, phone numbers, website address and others. We could use the auto signature feature in the email platform to automatically add the signature.
  • Use different email for different purposes: It may not be a good idea to use one email address for all purposes. At least, we need to have two email accounts; one for personal and the other is for business-related tasks. By having a business-only email, we could direct the public, so they will correspond with us only with that email. This will ease our organizational tasks. It can sometimes be disastrous to mistakenly send casual email to business professionals.
  • Check incoming and outgoing correspondence regularly: It is a bad idea to slowly reply all important email messages. We should have constant contact with regular correspondents. We should also be careful enough that we don’t enter the wrong email address. By checking our inbox regularly, we could avoid instances where our critical correspondences are not received. It is important for businesspeople to check their e-mail regularly and reply whenever possible. There’s no a bona fide reason for a hold-up, unless it’s truly emergency. We should make every attempt and consider it a priority to respond to e-mail messages expeditiously. We should do this, in the midst of our hectic schedule, as we are doing a gazillion of things in our lives. If possible, we should set a benchmark for ourselves about when and how email messages should be answered. Sometimes, due to specific mishaps, important e-mail could be sent to the Spam folder. So, we may need to quickly scan the Spam box every day. Any legitimate email message should be designated as valid, so the next messages won’t be sent to the spam box again.