The world is a lot greener – or at least, it’s taking measures to get there. It’s not a wave or a trend; it’s a necessity for the community and it’s a necessity for the individual. Here’s the good news: it’s progressed so far that it’s actually possible to profit from the increased environmental awareness, and this can put us on the way to economic prosperity. It’s not just about being conscious of our carbon footprint, it’s about doing our share and profiting from it. It’s truly a win-win situation. Ever wonder what you can do to be responsible and lucrative at the same time? Here’s how you can effectively turn your business and commercial waste into a resource.

We’ve passed the learning curve

Don’t get us wrong – we’re still learning, learning every day. But we’ve passed the break-even point, and we’re able to make money out of rubbish. This is not based on lofty ideas or dreams; this is based on facts and figures that show the progress we’ve made. Fact: WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) estimates that a business could save up to £1000 per employee by implementing an effective waste management system.

Check your trash

There’s a reason why you have trash. Some of it is acquired (for example, the packaging of resources), whilst others are made (byproducts of production). Understanding where your trash comes from, or how you create it, will make it easier to reduce it. For example, buy in large volume (to reduce waste brought in), and find ways to make your byproducts useful.

Reuse it

There are plenty of containers that can be used over and over again, even if you use it for different goods. Be creative and make use of things that nobody wants.

Recycling can be profitable

It’s profitable for two reasons. First of all, you may end up reducing transportation costs if you have a good recycling system and pick-up schedule from a commercial waste disposal partner. Secondly, you may be able to sell things – such as metals or compost – due to your efforts.

Let’s generate energy!

Your waste can be made into clean energy. Look around for local companies that do this.

Here’s the thing: it’s all about setting up a system that works for you. Yes, segregating waste may take a little more time and a little more money, but when you involve the whole crew, you automatically make it easy. Besides, whatever costs you may have, they are offset by the savings in transportation costs. Yes, your staff will have more points to consider, but this creates a better team spirit, increases morale, and gives you a better reputation. The idea is altruistic – it’s good, it’s fair, and it’s right. But the idea is also profitable, and that’s what business is all about.