The use of mortars and concrete is necessary literally in any construction and in any repair. And indeed, no construction object today can function normally without qualified concreters – a specialist who works with concrete and reinforced concrete structures. So, what knowledge, skills and personal qualities should a good concrete worker have? Let us dwell on this in more detail. Should be able to,
- Concrete construction at any time of the year.
- Install formwork.
- Properly use a professional tool.
- Safety work on the ground and at altitude.
- Ways of dismantling the formwork of concrete structures.
- The main brands of cement, concrete mixes and their properties.
- Methods for preparing concrete mixes manually.
In addition, it is very important that professional concreters know how to understand and hear other workers with whom they need to interact. They must be able to work in a team.
What are the Responsibilities?
Their responsibilities must also include – laying the foundations, concreting roads, building columns of buildings, etc. Qualified concreters should be able to perform work of the most varied complexity. Depending on the knowledge, and skills of the concrete worker, they are assigned the appropriate rank. Required qualities are,

- Perfectly developed hearing and eye.
- Technical thinking and spatial imagination.
- Lack of fear of heights and a good sense of balance.
- Excellent health, strength and physical endurance.
- The ability to quickly focus and distribute attention.
Concrete is the component that determines the quality of the mix. The practicality, functionality and durability of buildings and structures depend on the quality of the concrete mix, and its compliance with existing standards and requirements. Of course, concreters dealing with monolithic structures must be physically healthy, and strong. He should not have any problems with the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, and kidneys. It is very desirable that the concrete worker has a well-developed eye, and hearing. This data can not only minimize the number of defects but also significantly speed up the work.
Classification of the Specialist
Concrete workers 1-3 categories are allowed to perform only the simplest work on the production of concrete mixes. They also develop the simplest concrete and reinforced concrete structures using hand tools. Specialist concreters who have received the 4-5th grade can work on complex objects. They are required to have a deep understanding of the work, and the ability to perform work of any complexity. They are engaged in laying concrete mixes in thin-walled structures of domes, vaults, bunkers, etc.
In order to work as a professional concreter, it is imperative to obtain an appropriate certificate which serves as confirmation that a person really owns a specialty. In addition, when entering the enterprise, the concrete worker is obliged to undergo certification, even if he has this certificate. In fact, the certificate of a concrete worker documents the existence of certain skills which can be considered as a kind of guarantee of the quality of work performed by a specialist.
Conclusion: Always Get the Genuine Materials
By the way, if you are concerned about where to get high-quality concrete, the best solution would be to buy concrete from the manufacturer. This is the best way not only to purchase high-quality goods but also to get favorable terms of cooperation. Indeed, you do not need to pay intermediaries. In addition, buying concrete from the manufacturer, the buyer can order the concrete in any quantities he needs. It also allows the buyer to quickly supply the materials to the construction site.
If you get the best combination of genuine material and expert professional, you will definitely get the quality work. Which means, you must not search for the cheaper service or materials. It will cost you in the long run.