Phone calls are amongst the most important business component,s which not only connect callers with a human voice, but also provide an interactive, personal, immediate, confidential and a quiet safe environment for communication between the customers and the marketers. That’s why, business organizations install a well-functioning phone system while also looking for ways to decrease their communication charges with technologies like VoIP and PBX systems.

However the real question here is- which telephone system should be purchased and installed in your organization. Now-a-days, almost all the organizations search for means, which can efficiently simplify their phone systems and decrease their costs as well. Let’s see both of the phone systems one-by-one so you can determine the most suitable equipment for your business.

About PBX Systems

This system has been in use for years now and has provided lots of benefits to organizations, especially larger businesses and enterprises. It is nothing but an in-house switchboard which allows multiple calls and routes them to their respective destinations within a corporation. Companies with numerous extensions and departments get profited by PBX systems to a great extent.

PBX systems are currently available in four types and these four have their own distinct advantages, which make them suitable for different purposes. They include the-traditional PBX, IP PBX, hosted PBX, and virtual PBX. The key roles of PBX systems are listed below:-

  • It provides a solitary access point which is used by incoming callers to connect to their respective departments and communicate with them.
  • It offers various kinds of receptionist services like on-hold customized messages and music, voice direction for a menu, etc.
  • It also incorporates features for call management like call transfers, ACD, message recording, etc.

Traditional PBX Systems

Traditional PBX systems apply analogue approach for call routing through phone lines and come with a huge variety of features for customer benefit and convenience. The quality as well as the reliability of calls has also become better in recent years.

You can connect to these systems, no matter where you are and what mobile device you use. These systems are an excellent choice for the organizations with above 20 employees, having the requirement of connections.

VoIP Systems

VoIP systems like Panasonic PBX system are an upgrade of the traditional system and direct VoIP calls in place of analog calls to their terminuses. Facilities like voicemail transcription, fixed and wireless terminals, simultaneous ringing, headsets, and softphones, customer management gears and video chat are provided by these systems. The quality and reliability of the calls are excellent while setup and call costs are also very cheap.

VoIP systems have very high scalability and require low maintenance because of its software-based environment. You can access them through any mobile and any location. For small businesses, where a small number of employees work, VoIP systems are the best options for making a choice.

Lastly, make your decision by considering the type, size and infrastructure of your organization. It was once said-“Your ability to communicate effectively determines roughly 85% of your success in your business and in your life”. Keeping this in mind, you should choose a telephone system that makes the communication ability of your business organization effective and productive.

It’s true that there are many other ways do so, but when it comes to telecommunication, it has its own niche in the world of business, which can’t be ignored.