Landscaping can be a challenge if you only have limited space to work with. However, there are a few simple techniques that you can use to maximize your space and make it stand out. Here are few ways that you can use landscape design to compliment a smaller home.

Don’t Minimize Hardscape

One common mistake people make is under sizing walkways and steps in an attempt to maximize space. But if you do that, your paved areas will look completely out of scale compared to your house and they will look even more minuscule once plants start growing around them. Your paths should be 4 feet wide at the very least for better results.

Use Scaling Properly

By using some scaling tips and playing with different sizes, you can get some great results and create the illusion of space. When it comes to a garden or yard, people will usually compare any element to the biggest element around, which is the house in most cases.

One of the ways you can use scaling to your advantages is to have 1 to 3 large specimen plants that will serve as focal points. You can then surround them with a few medium-size plants and a few dwarf varieties. This will help you add a sense of structure and balance to your garden.

If you only use large plants, they will eventually overcrowd the small space and might even overshadow small plants, which might hinder their growth. But if you plant dwarf varieties only, you’ll end up creating what is commonly referred to as the “dollhouse garden” effect. So, try to balance everything out and go for medium plants with large leaves instead of larger plants to replicate the effect without taking up too much space.

Go for Small Scale Furniture

Going for pieces with petite bodies and thinner frames will make any small space look bigger.  Try to opt for compact bistro sets as they make the perfect addition to a porch or garden corner. You can also use built in benches that can be used both for seating and for additional storage if you have limited space. And you should also make sure to add a canopy, pergola or umbrella over seating areas for extra shade.

Use Containers as Accent Pieces

Whether it’s around doors, entrances, or lounging spots, you can place annuals in big containers to bring more life to your backyard. They will also soften your hardscape and allow you to study plants from up close.

Oversized containers can draw attention and add color to any area that you wish. And you can place pots in groups for effect as well. Try to choose a main color with secondary hues that will harmonize it. But try to keep it to no more than 2 or 3 colors or they might end up clashing.

All these tips will allow you to make the most out of the space you currently have. Don’t be afraid to experiment and make sure that you focus on balance if you want to make your backyard actually look bigger.