We all know that brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly are important for your overall oral health, but there are plenty of other things you can do to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy. 

Achieving healthy teeth takes years of proper care and is not something that you can instantly change, however starting the steps to a healthier smile can be done any time. With this in mind, here are 5 best practices for getting healthier teeth!


Don’t Go To Bed Without Brushing Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth twice a day is something that is instilled in us from a young age, however, only one three in ten people do this. Many people still continue to neglect their teeth and don’t brush their teeth before they go to bed, which is not only bad for your teeth health but your overall health, too. 

Brushing your teeth before you go to bed removes plaque that has accumulated on your teeth throughout the day and removes any germs or bacteria that are a result of this. If you don’t brush your teeth before you go to bed, then you might notice that your gums feel more sensitive, or your breath gets worse, which is a result of the buildup of plaque and bacteria in your mouth. Avoiding brushing your teeth before you go to bed could also result in tooth decay and gum disease. 


Don’t Neglect Your Tongue Health

When it comes to your health, you’re likely used to looking out for differences in your energy levels, changes in skin appearance and heart rate, but one thing which is often overlooked in terms of health is your tongue. Although your dentist will look at your tongue during your routine dental appointment, it’s important to keep an eye out for changes yourself. Typically, healthy tongues will be pink in colour, which can vary and be either dark or light in tone. It’s also completely normal for your tongue to have small nodules on the top and bottom – known as papillae. 

One of the first signs of an unhealthy tongue is a change in colour from what you are usually used to seeing. Other signs which may cause concern can include pain when drinking, eating or swallowing, as well as prominent lumps and bumps. If you notice any changes on your tongue, then it’s best to arrange an appointment with your dentist in Warrington


Limit Sugary Foods

Sugar converts into acid in the mouth once consumed and this can then erode the enamel on your teeth. Sugar has a direct connection to tooth decay and, after eating, sugar molecules combine with your saliva and any bacteria present in your mouth, which then develops into plaque. When left on teeth, plaque then breaks down the enamel on your teeth, which in turn causes cavities. 

Even foods that seem good for you can contain high levels of sugar, so it is important to maintain balance in your diet. You don’t need to avoid sugary foods altogether, but it’s advised that you are mindful of your diet and what you are eating and how this connects to your oral health. 


Consider Switching From Manual to Electric

If you use a manual toothbrush, then it might be time to consider switching over to an electric one if you want to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing plaque than manual toothbrushes, which then helps to keep teeth decay and gum disease at bay. This is due to the fact that a small, electric toothbrush can get to those hard to reach areas which larger, manual toothbrushes sometimes can’t quite reach. 

Electric toothbrushes are a great investment in your overall oral health and studies have found that electric toothbrushes result in 22% less gum recession and 18% less chance of developing tooth decay over a ten-year period. But, no matter if you’re using a toothbrush manual or electric toothbrush, you should be brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. A good oral health routine should follow these steps primarily, no matter if you use a manual or electric toothbrush. 


Spit, Don’t Rinse 

Usually, when people have finished brushing their teeth, they rinse their mouth straight away. This is a bad habit that most people develop over time and it actually contributes nothing to their oral health. Rinsing your mouth with water after brushing your teeth actually removes any traces of fluoride from your toothpaste, which is used to protect your teeth and enamel during the day. Spitting instead of rinsing means that this fluoride stays in place and helps to promote better teeth health. 

One step you could add to your oral health routine is to consider adding mouthwash. Many people tend to steer clear of mouthwash as they aren’t sure exactly what it does to their teeth and the benefits that it holds. Mouthwash helps in three different ways: it can clean any hard-to-reach areas, remineralises the teeth and reduces the levels of acid in the mouth. Young children and older people would benefit from using mouthwash, where the ability to floss and brush might not be perfect. It’s important to remember, however, that mouthwash shouldn’t be used to replace other steps in dental hygiene. It needs to be used alongside daily brushing and flossing to further promote and improve oral health. 


Final Tip: Regularly Visit Your Dentist 

Whilst your own daily habits are crucial to your overall oral health, it’s still vital that you visit your dentist twice a year. Even the most dutiful flossers and brushes need to have regular check ups! Dentists can not only check your teeth and their health, looking out for cavities and decay, but can also spot further potential issues and provide treatment solutions. 

Your dentist will likely recommend that you follow a good diet to further improve your dental health, such as keeping hydrated with water, eating crunchy fruits and vegetables and avoid brushing your teeth straight after eating or drinking.