Nerves can lead us to act strangely on the first date, for which the nerves do not win and commit serious errors are some tips of what not to do on your first date.

1. No Comment

If you decide on the first date did not even say what you like about dinner or what movie you wanted to see, it is likely that your date think you’re not interested or you’re a very insecure person. Take the first date to be who you are and so they can know each other better.

2. Talking too much of your Former Partners

No one likes to try to meet a person and it only complains about what your ex did or how great it was until he changed. You can talk about your former partners only if asked and try not to say too much or the situation will become uncomfortable.

3. Inquire about their Income

You may ask how is your job, if you like, what you do; inappropriate but you want to know how much you earn, especially if the first time you go, it will give the impression that you’re a superficial or interested person.

4. Presume

Self-confidence is a very desirable feature in a partner, but be careful not to assume rather than demonstrate confidence that will only make your date feel that you want to impress or you’re a self-centered person.

5. Much Distraction

If you go on a date with someone is because they saw something in it that attracted you; and this is precisely what you must show. If you get distracted during the meeting while chatting, flirting with other people or questions and they tell you things, just get that person does not go out with you again.

6. Do Not Show Manners

It is vital to be aware and educated in a relationship especially on the first date and you want me to know about your virtues. If you are a man, open the door for the girl, lend him your jacket if it rains and if you be nice and polite woman, do not be capricious or pretend that you spend all your money on you.

7. Talking about a Future Together

Almost everyone we are excited to find love and make a family; but in your first date you start talking about where they would live, and how many children would you want your parents to know, that person will surely scare.

8. Do Not Be Yourself

The most important thing is to start a quote to know the other person and you know it yourself. If you do on the first date together to act like what you think you would like your date, probably will look like a fake and insecure, and they do not really get to know.

Remember to get out and meet people should be fun and enjoyable, have confidence in yourself, be polite, and do not despair if things do not go right the first time, the right person will come to you.