Lots of toxins get into our body by various pollutants present in air we breathe, food we eat and water we drink. These toxins build up in the body and cause damage and thus they should be washed out of our body from time to time. Though our body has mechanism of flushing out toxins in various forms, there are some toxins that stay in our body for long time and affect our body and make our immune system weak.

A lot of chemicals are present in food such as food dyes and other additives and especially the processed foods. Various organs of our body such as kidney, liver and colon work together to flush out the toxins present in our body. However some toxins still remain and we need to go for a body detox to flush out these toxins from our body.

If you are going through constipation, frequent headaches, bloating and other health issues, you should probably go for a body detox. Detoxification is the process of cleaning the body by consuming lots of water and detox foods. Detoxification helps in quickly eliminating body waste and enhancing the blood circulation of body. Though detoxification is very helpful for your body, the process of detoxification is not easy. You need to prepare your body for detox. Going for a body detox without preparing your body can lead to headaches, fatigue and nausea.

How should you Prepare your Body for Detox?

If you are going for detox process for the first time, don’t go for a very strong detox program. Choose a program that won’t be too harsh on your body and at the same time don’t go for something too mild as it might not give you any results.

Detox programs can have side effects on your body depending on the level of your strength and toxins present in your body. The length of detox, foods you consume during detox can help you minimize the side effects. As detox program means to modify your diet majorly, it is important that you consult a doctor. Doctors can help you choose detox programs based on the specifications and issues that you are facing.

Don’t eat junk before you start your detox program. You need to prepare your body by eating clean prior to detox program as the main purpose of going for a detox is to remove the impurities from your body. Don’t consume substances such as caffeine, chocolate, nicotine, alcohol etc. before the detox. Reduce intake of fish, meat and dairy products as well.

Prepare your body mentally for a detox. You could also go for massages, saunas and steam treatment to physically prepare your body for detox. Stress is another reason for a lot of problems that your body faces. So if you are stressed, avoid going for a detox. Even pregnant women should avoid going for body detox programs as it may affect their health.

Purify your body by planning for a Thailand Detox Retreat today… doesn’t wait anymore!