You can really save a good amount of money by downloading and using the financial apps. If budgeting and saving seems a huge task for you, the apps are there to help you. With your Android or iPhone, you can start and maintain your budget. Here are some of the popular budgeting tools for you.

PocketGuard Budget App:  It connects directly with your bank accounts and allows you to access your balance and current transactions properly. In the home screen you will be able to observe the amount of money which is in your pocket right now. You can view your total earning and how much money you have already spent. With simple charts and graphs, you will understand where to spend and where to save your money. You can easily optimize your purchases with the help of this essential tool.

You Need A Budget: More than a statement, this app helps in realizing the importance of the budget. It focuses on simple planning for creating a budget. You need to plan for each and every dollar. If you overspend in some month, learn to spend with the last month’s income. You can enjoy a better financial life if the budgeting app can work properly for you. It has a free trial version of 34 days and after that you are required to spend $50 for a year.

GoodBudget: This is a budgeting system in a digital envelope which helps in managing your finances properly. It can be synced with all your devices like Android to iPhone to make you aware about where your money is actually going. This budgeting app teaches you to save for big purchases. It plans for your new car or your next vacation.

HomeBudget: The disadvantage of this app is that in whichever platform you want to use it, you are required to buy it separately. The budget can be shared with all the members of your family if they are installed in all the devices in your home. The individual who wants to gain a lot of control in his financial behavior must use this app.

Spendee: In traditional sense, Spendee cannot be considered as a budgeting app. It can identify the process in which you are spending your money. You can figure out how and where you are spending your money with this useful tool. You can easily track the credit and cash purchases with few numbers of swipes.  As you can get a clear view about where you are spending your money, you can spend less where it is not required.

Unsplurge: It is another app which helps in preventing a specific splurge of expenditure. You can create a goal for some major purchases or a vacation with this app. You can check your progress, get benefitted from the community and learn various tricks for sticking with your budget.

Wally: This app plays a role of the expense tracker where you can monitor your expenses on the go. It is completely free of cost and manual entry can be done with the picture of the receipts.  You can even get alerts and notifications when your payment is due. You can adapt your goals and habits with this app to help you to reach there.

Now, why do you exactly require a budget? As soon as you set up your budget, it helps you to keep the track of your money and study where you can save for enjoying the savings as well. If a major accidental expense comes your way, you may rearrange your apps instead of quitting them.

Author Bio:  Peter Wills is a professional financial analyst in In this article, he provides some ideas about some of the popular budgeting apps and their advantages.