There is no shortage of legal expertise in this country, and a large number of the attorneys in Australia are good at what they do. But regardless of what type of law each attorney practices, there are some characteristics which immediately separate the fewer fantastic lawyers from those who only strive to “get the job done.” Below is a list of characteristics which you should be on the lookout for to ensure that you receive the most compensation possible for your claim.

Good Lawyers Are Well Versed in the Law

The attorney you choose to represent you should have graduated from an accredited law school and should be able to demonstrate that he or she has a thorough understanding of the law.

Great Lawyers Understand How to Apply the Law

Great compensation lawyers go above and beyond simply knowing the law and, instead, know how to apply it to improve the outcome of your specific claim. They will take the time to explain the laws involved in a client’s case in plain English and make sure that the client understands the laws before discussing a legal strategy with them.

Good Lawyers Are Efficient in Their Work

Clients have the right to expect work to be done when an attorney says it will be. Attorneys who regularly miss promised deadlines may be carrying too high of a case load (meaning that your case is not receiving enough attention) are disorganised, or they are not interested in helping you.

Great Lawyers Deliver More Value

The best compensation attorneys in Australia do not do the least amount of work necessary to help you win your case. They will go above and beyond what is expected of them and provide additional legal services to you, giving you more value for your dollar.

Good Lawyers Will Call You Back in 24 to 48 Hours

Lawyers are busy individuals who may be out of the office and in court, or they may be at a site conducting research and gathering evidence.

Great Lawyers Will Always Be Accessible

Great lawyers make sure that you get the help or the answers that you need as soon as they are best able. If they are out of the office, many will provide you with a mobile phone number so that you can reach them anytime and anywhere. If they cannot pick up the phone immediately, you will hear back from them within a matter of hours. Great lawyers will also take the time to check in with you from time to time and will be making your phone ring as well.

Good Lawyers Treat All Clients Professionally

Professionalism is important, particularly when it comes to the treatment of clients. Clients should feel respected and cared for by their compensation attorney.

Great Lawyers Recognise the Unique Needs and Preferences of Clients

Great lawyers will not have a one size fits all approach to communicating with clients. These individuals are more tuned in to their clients and take the time to personalise their relationship with each one. They take the time to understand each client’s communication style, their interests, and their unique needs.