Conserving water may seem like a popular trend nowadays, but saving your precious water is not entirely a new thing. Many folks way back in the early 1950s also took practical steps in water conservation by installing water-saving shower heads that provide a refreshing shower while using only a moderate amount of water.

The water conservation trend is still a trend at present because of a myriad of practical and environmental reasons. Due to the growing human population, our finite water source may likely be consumed up to its bare bottom.  As such, this can threaten public health, environmental balance, economic development, and even political stability.

So, if we do not want those things to happen, it is high time now that we conserve water. Here is a list of things that you can do to start saving water at home.

Turn Off Your Faucet When Not in Use

As per Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warning, a standard faucet you use at home consumes approximately two gallons of water every minute. It means that forgetting to turn off your faucet for just a few minutes after using it can cause you a lot of money in your monthly water utility bill.

So. every time you use a faucet while you take a bath or brush your teeth-brush, you should make sure that you turn it off after using it so that you will not waste precious water as well as your money. It is one simple yet practical step to conserve water. Start it now!

Do Not Wash the Dishes by Your Hand

Washing your used dinnerware with your hands many times in a day can cost you more water than you had expected. So every time you are planning to do it by your hands, think twice. Experts said that hand dishwashing does not only consumed more water, but it is also not cleaner than if you run it in a full dishwasher.

You can find water-saving and energy-efficient dishwashers that you can buy for you to start your water conservation and save money.

Wash Your Laundry Full-Load

One of the ways to save water is to allocate a day in a week to wash all your week’s worth of laundry. Washing a full load laundry is essential if you want to save water, especially if what you are using to wash your laundry is a front-loading washing machine.

A front-loading washing machine consumes the same water amount whether you put a half-load or full-load laundry. So it is better you just go full-load. Or you can go for a top-loading washing machine because you can choose the amount of water for a small-load or full-load laundry.

Avoid Using Tap Water When Defrosting Frozen Food

Instead of running water from a faucet to defrost your frozen food, you can just use a microwave or place it in the bottom of your ref overnight to thaw it. Also, do not use lukewarm water from the faucet to thaw your frozen food because lukewarm tap water enables bacteria to thrive in the food that can be detrimental to your health.

Do Not Stay Long in the Shower

You can put more or less 36 gallons of water in a standard size bathtub, while an average shower head, on the other hand, can consume approximately 2.5 gallons of water every minute. That means that the longer you take a bath, whether in a bathtub or a shower, the more water you will consume and the more money you will pay for your water bill.

So, if you want to reduce your water consumption and save money, you must avoid staying longer while you are taking a bath.

Wrap Your Water Heater

If you have noticed that you have an expensive water utility bill, it is time that you check your water heater. It can be that the cause of your expensive water expenses is a water heater that does not have an insulating blanket.

Water heaters with no insulating blanket can consume a great part of your monthly water consumption. Thus, it is important that you buy an insulating blanket for you to save money and save water.

A water heater insulating blanket is not that costly, and it enables you to save from 5 to 15 percent of your water heating expenses. So you must buy a water heater blanket, or you can replace your old water heater with one that you can use with solar energy.

Upgrade Your Toilet

For you to conserve water as well as save money on your water bill, it is advisable that you replace your old toilet with a modern one. Your old toilet may be the cause of your high water bill because, typically, old toilets consume up to 7 gallons each flush.

You can find modern toilets nowadays that only consume a low amount of water in every flush. According to water conservation experts, if you upgrade to water-saving toilets, you can save from 38 to 45 gallons in your water consumption.

Put Up a Rainwater Tank

Conserve Water, Save The Planet: 8 Ways That You Can Do At Home To Save Water

Due to the various natural calamities that confront us because of climate change, restrictions on access to water is inevitable. When there are water restrictions, it is essential that you get prepared for it. It is advisable that you install a rainwater tank in your household to be water independent when natural calamities come.  

Rainwater tanks are also ideal if you want to conserve water and save money on your water expenses. If you have a rainwater tank installed in your home, you can now store to approximately 100,000 liters of water annually.

The amount of water gathered by your water tank will now allow you to flush your toilet and do your laundry. You can check out high-quality rainwater tanks at GStore for this purpose.


Our water resource is finite, and because of this, we should find ways to conserve water. Saving water not only preserves the environment, but it also saves you a lot of money on your water utility bill. You can take some cues from the list above on how to save water in your home.