The Internet of Things, or IOT,  is a catchy term for the trend of increased connectivity among electronic devices: how your smartphone can access your desktop, shut off the lights, and check your fridge. Some call it by the aforementioned name, others prefer the term, “smart technology.”

However you call it, it has certainly made waves in the field of consumer electronics. And businesses have a lot to gain from taking advantage of what it has to offer. The hospitality industry is no exception to the windfall that the internet of things provides for businesses looking to optimize and connect. 


Today’s appliance manufacturers share a common emphasis on networked devices. Websites like,, for instance, incorporate smart technology into their industrial washers and dryers, allowing users to monitor the progress of each cycle and run their preferred settings with the press of a button.

Small design features like these do wonders for optimization, as basic human error is effectively cut in half: say goodbye to absentminded mistakes and forgotten loads, Continental Girbau and other industry pioneers have taken steps to keep modern chores simple and efficient.

The micro-level isn’t the only scale at which the internet of things works its magic. Brilliant inventions exist that allow hoteliers to monitor things like water consumption over time. This big-picture data is great for troubleshooting, as well as for getting a better sense of the various indicators that speak of the health and sustainability of your current business model.

An important caveat here is that while the technology is present and accessible, as a user, it takes some strategic thinking and a penchant for learning to make the most out of what they can offer. Read up on the best practices of tech-savvy businesses in your industry, and don’t be afraid to consult with professionals in the field of data analytics and tech integration. The lessons you’ll learn will go a long way towards turning your hotel into a paragon of modernity.


Keeping your gadgets linked on a single network is one thing, but smart technology also offers various opportunities for feedback and communication. At the most abstract level, you can tell a lot about customer satisfaction by the way they use the devices you incorporate into your rooms. The usage statistics you can get from your televisions, showerheads, and other amenities are a way of listening to your customers’ demands and desires without having to pick up a phone or strike a conversation.

But since there’s no substitute for good customer service, your business ought to sign up for popular online chat applications and platforms like Facebook Messenger. The presence alone adds to your hotel’s image of consumer-friendliness and responsiveness, and being available online shows you prioritize visitors who might not have access to a local SIM card.

Finally, the use of smart technology alone can be a major boost for your hotel’s branding. For the same reason that people line up days before the newest smartphone release, your business can impress would-be clients with a roster of cool and affordable gadgets like light bulbs that double as wireless speakers.

Give your business an edge over the competition by investing in devices that keep you informed about important comings-and-goings, all the while giving your hotel a personality of its own.