Writing a high quality blog post doesn’t have to be a tricky task, so long as you follow the formula used by all professional writers. In case you’re ready to take on the challenging task of writing a blog post, be sure to keep the following points in mind.

Know Your Target Audience

Write your post only after you know your audience. Find out what will resonate with your audience, what will keep them interested, and what will bring them back to your blog for more. Knowledge about your readers/buyers’ interests will always help select a perfect topic for your blog post.

Take More Time to Identify the Best Topic

Knowing who your target audience is will definitely help select a topic, but you need something that answers their questions and delivers some value as well. Work on your topic to find a working title and then settle with a final title.

Write a Captivating Intro

The first or introductory paragraph of any essay, research paper, and even a blog post is of great importance. Write your first paragraph in a way that it quickly grabs your reader’s attention. Make your first paragraph count. Be empathetic, tell a story, share some interesting facts, or be creative in the first paragraph to raise people’s interest.

Organize Your Content

You will have an overwhelming amount of info to work with, but you need to select the most relevant stuff and organize it properly to ensure your readers don’t feel intimidated by the length of your content. Creating an outline first will really help you organize your post better.


Once you have created the outline, it’s time to start writing.  Be sure to expand on each point in your outline and conduct more research, if necessary, to find relevant examples and data to back up your points. Don’t worry about the length of your post because it won’t matter so long as you’re writing to the point.

Edit and Format

Don’t overlook editing. Develop a habit to proofread everything you write and ensure that your post has a featured image, is properly formatted and organized, and contains tags/keywords to make it easier for your readers to search for more content in the same category.

You can give your post to top 10 writers at Top10writers.com for proofreading and editing if you need. This will save you a lot of time.

Add a Call-to-Action (CTA)

You have to rely on CTAs to accomplish the purpose of writing a post. Your CTA will tell your reader to download another e-book, subscribe to your blog, read another article, register for a webinar, or simply visit your website to make a purchase. Make your CTA count to generate a lead.

Pay Attention to On-Page SEO

You don’t need to be an SEO expert to optimize your post for on-page SEO. You just need to take care of few things. Write a Meta description, which is a short summary of your post that includes your keyword and appears on Google’s search results pages. Include your keyword in your working title. And introduce your main keyword a couple of times only in your content.

Spruce Up Your Working Title

Even if you think your working title is just perfect, it pays to revisit it and spruce it up a bit. Make it a little sexier, optimize it for SEO, and shorten it if possible. A great title will convince readers to read your post.