Nusa Dua is Bali’s southern peninsula region covering the gate region “BTDC”, an area that is separated from the local community since the 1970s. The Indonesian government as the owner of the Bali Tourism Development Corporation.

Nusa Dua offers several opportunities to shop, but to look for a large retail you have to go to Kuta and Seminyak. Shopping in Nusa Dua primarily serve tourists visiting on holiday, so it is relatively easy to find the perfect beach or resort is convenient.

Nusa Dua Tourist Spot

Best Way Towards Nusa Dua Bali Travel Sites

For those of you who want a vacation to Nusa Dua Bali tourist attractions, of course, would require a means of transportations. We Wira Tour Bali, as the provider of car rental services in Bali, providing car rental services plus driver in Bali. Our drivers are always ready to take you to the tourist attractions of Bali that must be visited, and one of them is Nusa Dua Bali tourist spots.

For those who want a luxury car rental services, we also provide limousine rental Bali, such as the Toyota Corolla and the Toyota All New Camry. For luxury car rentals in Bali, we only provide car rental services + driver in Bali.

Famous Places Close With Nusa Dua

One family attractions in Bali, which is very famous and located adjacent to the Nusa Dua Bali is a tourist spot Tanjung Benoa beach. Tourist area of ​​Tanjung Benoa, the beach is famous for marine tourism activities, often called by the name of Tanjung Benoa watersport.

Your children, must be very happy if can try one of the games of marine tourism in Tanjung Benoa, such as banana boat, travel to the island of turtles and much more.

The best way to get a bargain price for a game of water sports in Tanjung Benoa, by ordering via the Internet. If you really want to book a game of nautical tourism in Tanjung Benoa, use a search engine such as Google. It is the safest way to get a service provider Tanjung Benoa watersport activities are valid.

Most tourists Indonesia, now wants to follow watersport activities at Tanjung Benoa, more tend to choose travel packages Watersport Tanjung Benoa. The reason, as the unit price becomes cheaper, and get a free shuttle.

That was some of the reviews of Travel Sites and Famous Place Close with Nusa Dua Bali, may be useful for you all.