Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – the backbone of digital marketing activity

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique to optimize your webpage so it shall appear higher in the search engine result rankings.  It is an art as well as a technical practice involving your creativity and some technical skills which not only work for a single search engine but for all.

SEO assists to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and cultivate more chances that the site will be found by the search engine. SEO is classically a set of “white hat” best practices that webmasters and web content creators use to help them achieve a better ranking in search engine results.

SEO also determines that the search engine result is relevant to the search query of any user to increase the rate of clicks when shown in search. SEO undergoes the process of optimization of snippets and Meta data to get a high click-through rate from search results.

High Ranking determines high reputation of website

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Ranking of a website describes the presence of the site in the search engine result pages (SERPs). People while hunting for something in the search bar, the spiders crawl to discover the right website, if it rightly matches the keywords you used, your webpage will be the first result and your site’s ranking becomes the highest.

Appearing in first 4 results is even fabulous. The reason is that most of the people don’t even think to move onto the next page. For that reason, more than 90% of the clicks on any search result page is done on the results of the first page.

The Most Significant SEO factors in 2019

Google and other search engine keep making changes in the factors affecting the search results to deliver the best ones for the users. Let’s be straightforward, there are over 200 ranking factors, all of them cannot be used as it is only a wastage of time and energy. In case you just adopt ranking aspects given below, you will detect a substantial result in 2019.

High quality and Unique Content

A high quality and unique content always has a vital contribution to SEO. Your site content should provide the user the complete information which they are questing for. On the off chance, the user still searches additionally after visiting your web page, it means your content is of no worth.

Complete and informative content articles are in-depth articles, one time optimized properly (basic on-page SEO commonly is sufficient), it may possibly rank high and carry thousands of visitors to your website.

Content marketing is renovating and with every coming year, it will become a lot more fundamental. The first and foremost thing you need to do differently in 2019 to make Google admire you, to increase your site visitors and interact individuals with your services, and rank your website higher in the search engine result pages, is to produce the most useful content you can.

Therefore, search engine marketers should carry on pondering to writing effective, handy content around appropriate notions as a substitute of targeting a single keyword or phrase. If you give more stress on user experience and coping up with your visitors’ needs, there will be a gradual increase in search engine ranking.

Mobile-Friendly Website

Google now castigates websites which are not designed for mobile phone devices and on the other hand performs in support of the ones which are responsive. You should consider this among the leading SEO ranking factors in 2019. If your website is designed in such a way to be used easily on all devices including desktops and mobile phones, eventually, your site’s ranking will start increasing because of the mobile-first indexing.

Google and other search engines have started to prefer mobile-friendly websites. In the following year, the mobile version of content will be used mainly for indexing.   

With mobile-friendly websites, Google courtesies mobile URLs for indexing. You have to ensure that your mobile version has sufficiently cherished and excellent content that can cater high -importance searches. It will be a wise act to ensure that the formats used on the mobile version are Crawlable and indexable.

It quite a tough job to read from a screen. Reading from a mobile screen is even more difficult task as compared to read from a desktop screen. In order to cope up with this, mobile-friendly copy is required to draw the attention of the mobile audience. Short sentences and compact paragraphs can be key for your content to be recognized as worthy. It is essential for your website to contain such content in which clear and readable font size and style, to make it read easily.

Improved User Experience  

The well-known saying that you must not judge the book by its cover is totally applicable here but in an opposite sense. Didn’t get this? It’s quite simple that your website is judged only by its cover. People who stopover your websites, evaluate the services and offers you provide on the very first page they witness.

When user experience and SEO are accomplished collectively, your website will advance, and you will see an incredible return on your investment. There are a few suggestions even though old yet attractively applicable in 2019, which is going to be a hard-hitting year regard the SEO competency. These are:

  • Select the language, keywords and phrases in accordance with the need of users.
  • Adopt a suitable site structure and navigation.
  • Make your website possibly the fastest.
  • The written content should be interesting and catchy.
  • Ensure to have more click-through rate with attractive headings and call-to-action.
  • Make a contact with the visitors to get feedback for further improvement.

Social Signals are now a ranking SEO factor

A factor that can direct more visitors to your website is working with the social signals. From last few years it has been a cornerstone in SEO. The ranking can be increased by following few suggestions  

  • Publishing regular articles or creating smaller ones on your social media platforms will offer you quite good results.
  • Posting video clips that are most likely to go viral can increase traffic on your website.
  • It has been noticed that Instagram has become the most preferable social media, therefore, if you succeed in creating attractive and unique visual contents on Instagram, it will provide a furious boost to your website traffic.
  • It is not enough to post your content on the social media. Never, at least in 2019, you need to provide a worthy content enriched with much information so that people could forward it or discuss it with other individuals.
  • Social media plugins make it stress-free to share the content on online platforms. It helps visitors to share your feedback with others, without leaving that exact page. Social media buttons also carry a lot more visitors to your site. These buttons are good keys for those who are retrieving these web pages through cell phones.
  • Using searchable and proper keywords and phrases can improve the chances of acquiring more views, likes and shares.
  • Using hashtags is one of the influential methods to boost the targeted traffic to your site. But make it sure that the tags you are using are relevant to the stories of that media.

Featured Snippets can contribute in optimization

Featured snippets or we can say answer boxes are a short and straight answer to your query appearing as first result on the search engine. Feature snippets are closely linked to voice search. The reason is that voice search get answers from featured snippets blocks. On the basis of available data, you can only get feature snippets if your content is concise and clear answer to the query that the users are interested in. So, it is vital for you to switch from imperative keywords to question form keywords (How, What, Why etc.)

Featured snippets include a backlink to the webpage and are shown at the top i.e. #1 organic ranking, so it’s a grand chance for search engine marketers to accelerate their site visibility.

Google or any search engine will be able to reflect your content in the featured snippets only if you add structured data to product pages, location pages and contact pages. As a result, it will be convenient for search engine to read your website and then show your content in the featured snippets. If you want to increase the chances of the webpage to be featured, you must consider following tips in mind.

  • The content of your page must involve the targeted query.
  • The length of your paragraph should be within 50 words.
  • It will be more convenient for you to write in a list form.

Appearing in featured snippets means your website is highly optimized and this is a way to become first result in the SERPs.

Speeding up your webpage

The site speed has been a ranking signal for search engines since many years and in 2019 it is too vital to ensure that your site loads as fast as possible. It means that the number of HTTPS requests should be reduced to minimal by involving relevant images. Make it sure that the image file sizes are the smallest possible. In order to do this, you can use Google’s Page Speed tool, which would help you to find ways to improve your site’s loading times.

It is also to be noted that the website is blazingly fast on smartphones, and there is much good user experience on mobile devices. A recent research has proved that nearly 30% of cell phone users instantly switch to other site if they are not contented with yours. Your site will only be optimized by the search engines if it loads quickly and is clutter free. Eventually, this will bear optimization and your site will be ranked high.

If all these factors are considered an essential part of SEO this year, it will improve your website’s ranking. That’s a given.