If you are an athlete you are well aware of the physical activity involved while practicing or playing on the field. However, there are also risks of being injured during this time which includes knee injury, sprained ankle or groin pull. The severity of the injury can be mild, moderate or severe, which needs to be addressed immediately before it gets serious. Some of the injuries can be treated at home using different types of therapies, while others require you to visit the Urgent Care Bronx. In severe cases such as ligament is torn away, you might need to go for
surgery. Here are some of the tips for treating each of the common sports injuries. Let’s have a look at them.

Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is experienced by every athlete, which normally occurs when the foot turns inward. The twisting of the foot tears or stretches the ligaments on the outside of the ankle, which is relatively weak. If you have gone through an ankle sprain, it is important to exercise to prevent any loss
of strength or flexibility. You can ask your doctor or visit an urgent care walk-in clinic to help you know what kind of exercises you should do.

Groin Pull

Groin pill is the pushing off in a side-to-side motion that causes strain on the inner thigh muscles or groin. Football, soccer, baseball and hockey players are more likely to go through groin injuries. If you are experiencing groin pull, the best way is compression or ice and the rest will heal the most groin injuries. If you don’t take proper rest and start physical activity too soon, your groin pull can go severe and turn into a long-term problem. Any groin pull may result in swelling which should be seen by a physician immediately before the things go serious.

Hamstring Strain

Hamstring can be stretched by movements such as kicking the leg out sharply when running. During water skiing, if you fall forward it is the common cause of hamstring strains. Hamstring injuries are slow to heal. It is because of the constant stress applied to the injured tissue from walking. However, the healing might take six to twelve months. Re-injuries can also occur because it is hard for athletes to stay inactive for too long.

Shin splints

Pains down the front of the lower legs are called shin splints. It often occurs due to running especially when starting a more active training program like a long run on paved roads.

If you have shin splints, make sure to take plenty of rest, apply ice and take over the counter pain medicine are great for treatment. The pain of shin splints is a stress fracture i.e. small break in the shin bone. However, you should see the doctor, if the pain doesn’t go even after the rest. Stress fractures require long rest, commonly a month or more to heal.

It is better to wear proper equipment when doing physical exercise or playing sports. It will lower the risk of injuries.

Author Bio:

Alex Martin is an entrepreneur and internet marketer with over 7 years of experience in Search Engine Optimization, Creative Writing and Digital Marketing. He has proven track record of delivering results and presently working at UrgentWay as a marketing consultant.