Major search engines give priority to high quality videos in their video search services. However, thousands of new videos are uploaded each day and there’s a good possibility that someone will oust us from the top position. All they could do is submit more interesting videos to YouTube and other popular websites with similar keywords. We should be aware that videos could have the power to attract traffic to our website. Many websites gain significant amount of traffic by having their videos placed in the top position in the search engine. There are different situations where we can use videos to improve traffic and enhance sales.

As an example, your website may specialize in selling various monitors, including those flat screen models with amazing 4K resolution. The website could have PR of one and receive 100 unique visitors every day. Although this seems like a lot of people, your conversion rate is negligible with only a couple of sales each week. In this situation, we should take the initiative and use proper SEO techniques to attract additional relevant traffic. SEO campaign can be enhanced with proper videos and this we could potentially more than double our current traffic.

Why We Should Use Videos In Your SEO Campaign

Before incorporating videos into our SEO campaign, we should try to keep them under 10 minutes in length. More than that and it is likely for people to get bored. Before creating a video, we should make sure that we create something that’s not available online. If there are other similar videos, our videos should present topics in a much better way. The content of the video should promote our website, its URL and more importantly our products. We should mention our URL a few times in the video. Files should be saved in different quality, so we will have different file sizes. They should be saved with slightly different names.

Before submit our videos, it is important to create an effective document, which can be used for the description section. There could also be different versions of description, long one and short one. Video sharing services could allow different lengths of descriptions, so we should make sure that we could have a variety of text-based content. In fact, it is preferable that we use unique description for video sharing platform to make sure that bots will consider each of the video webpage as unique. Although this could be a fairly time consuming procedure, it should well worth it in the long term.

Eventually, Google will index all the video webpages that we submit. They are often ranked based on the popularity or views. Many videos could go viral and get more than a million of views. This could be converted into actual visitors to our website and some would purchase our products or services. Even with one percent conversion rate, we could potentially get 10,000 of real buyers. Video publishing should be incorporated into our SEO campaign, especially if we are able to produce multiple interesting videos.