Nowadays, event and conferences are based on ‘buzz’. You can end it, or you can create it. In other words, this buzz can make or break your event. In fact, on an average of 18% of a marketing specialist’s annual budget is allocated to events.

Few of the biggest worldwide events have an app for attendees to download and communicate with, frequently producing excellent results.  It encompasses global brands like SXSW, Coachella Music Festival, and Cirque Du Soleil.

Your company may not be at the same level. However, if digital marketing has attained anything then it is the capability of the event planners to contend big names. You can develop an experience equivalent to other famous global names in events, with mobile marketing.

So, here are few ways in which mobile apps can benefit your event.

1. Help In Creating Event Buzz

Prior to starting your event, your app can perform some heavy lifting by making your audience enthusiastic regarding it. If they are motivated by what you are sharing, they are practically confident to tell everybody in their network. By now, you are developing brand promoters who are spreading the word for you.

Content is vital for building buzz regarding your event. Many popular events offer special extras within their mobile app like:

  • Meetings with performers
  • Few exclusive mini-performances or backstage video
  • Special updates on the key declarations
  • Vision into the buildup of the show

2. Offer Attendees Mobile Planning

Several possible attendees will think about participating in your event, but you can inspire them to part with their cash by assisting them to strategize their visit. Offering tools to book travel and accommodation are examples of techniques to transform people who want to attend your event.

If important, you can give listings and location specifics to assist people so that they can plan their visit. This is particularly beneficial for events more than numerous places or days such as arts and music conferences or festivals.

Figures regarding who is appearing when and where aids your customers attain the best out of their experience. If they enjoy your event they are most likely to recommend it to other people. In addition, this will also create a positive word of mouth.

3. Creating A Personalized Experience

A particular size is not fit for all event sectors. It is expected that 70% of the customer anticipate an individual experience. Attendees to these events prefer to customize their experience and pick and select what they view and perform. So, it can be said that a mobile app for events and conferences is a good opportunity to permit people select and save their favorites and research the chances being offered at the event they will attend.

The aptitude for offering interactive maps, for example, permits people to make choices regarding what they can and can’t get to all through the event and also allows them to link up with friends.

4. Improving Event Networking

If your event advances itself to professional or social networking, your app can be contributory in improving the involvement of attendees.

If your attendees want to link but the opportunities to do so are minimum, then you are not bringing the user experience they are spectating for. A displeased attendee is not likely to come back the subsequent year or tell their social network how appreciated the event is.

An app with networking abilities will stay ‘sticky’ even after the event has come to a close. This means people will want to use your app even after the event is over to preserve their relationship with those they met.