Modular expansion joints are a type of bridge joints designed to accommodate bridge movements that far surpass that of the capacity of single gap or finger type joint. This type of bridge expansion is made to satisfy the specific requirements of any structure. It is even greater than that of larger movement types of bridge expansions as this type has been proven to be adaptable for any structure. It can be fitted to any structure without any problem at all. This type of bridge expansion joint is also designed to allow movements from any direction. It has the capacity to withstand movements that exceed even 3000 mm.

There are other types of bridge expansion joints aside from modular expansion joints. Common types of bridge joints include BEJS, EMSEAL, JEP, XJS, WR, AC-AR and WOSd which are classified as small movement types. Small movement types are most suitable to structures that have intense pedestrian presence like plaza decks. Other types include Etic EJ and Wd (medium movement type) and WP and Etic EJF/SFEJ (larger movement type).

Modular expansion joints as well other bridge expansion types are intended to offer smooth passage of traffic and to accommodate bridge movements so that it may allow the bridge to have a longer life service. It is needed to support the bridge so that it will take only minimal effect from any extreme conditions that it may be subjected to. These devices are essential in proper construction of infrastructure. Construction of infrastructure should of course be properly done to avoid accidents to occur. To make that happen, bridge expansion joints systems should first be tested for its performance. It should be based on national standards to ensure that the infrastructure is of high quality.

Aside from bridge expansion joints, other things or devices are also needed to provide longer bridge life span. Materials that are used in constructing it should also be of high grade status and of national standards. It is important that each aspect of bridge construction to be tested and proven is top quality to prevent accidents involving infrastructures. Infrastructures should last their life span or if possible, exceed it.

It is said that the durability of a bridge depends on the type of bridge expansion joints used for it. The type of bridge joint that is used significantly changes the bridge’s durability and strength. Depending on the type, the bridge can possibly withstand heavier loads than it actually can. The bridge joint which acts like interlocking fingers is what supports the bridge and absorbs any impact from intense conditions it may be subjected to.

Bridge expansion joints work like an insulation absorbing impacts from extreme weather, heavy loads, directional bridge movements, water runoff and many other circumstances that may affect its durability. As such, one thing that construction workers and foremen should consider in constructing bridges and other infrastructures is the type of bridge joint to use. To allow for greater life service of infrastructures, choosing and installment of bridge joints should be carefully done.