In general, each new modern generation is the most education in human history to enter the workforce. However, new generations are also often seen as the least experienced and prepared. However, we shouldn’t be discouraged by this fact and although we could be seen as professionally immature, there’s a significant opportunity in the industry. Many decades ago, getting a degree is already considered as a privilege and these people are considered as special individuals. Back then, if we lucky enough to get a college education, we were expected to have a bright financial future and nice starting salary.

In general, these people could count on getting a lot of career opportunities and a lifetime employment in any company they choose. They also expected to get a significant retirement package after years of productive career. Fast forward to today, there are millions of young professionals who are just graduated from college and other higher educations. Things are also more challenging because inflation tends to outpace starting salaries. The average students graduate with about $20k student loan debt and they also lack the professional experience. Many of them also need to return to the parent’s home and seek employment in their hometown, because they can’t afford on other cities on their own. In short, college degree can be particularly expensive and this could cause young professionals to have more limited financial options.

This situation can’t be helped because the previous generations tend to think that young professionals deserve some “tough love”. This could cause frustration and anxiety in the workplace. They young generation has worked hard to graduate to college and they may need to work in places they don’t enjoy. Gaining respect for their professional works can be hard to do and they need to struggle with their loan repayments.

Developing experiences is clearly essential for our career and we can’t learn to run before we can walk. It would be a good idea for new professionals to consider opinions and views of the more experienced employees and experts. To gain advices effectively, young professionals should identify things than improved in their workplace. They should seek our advices from different perspectives, so they will know the whole picture. A most important rule in learning is “Ask and don’t tell”. If we want to change our point of view, we could broaden our perspective by properly asking any question that can provide us with much more comprehensive understanding.

Any generation should be compassionate and socially responsible, regardless of the skill, knowledge and experience levels. All of us should be worried about the world and how things can affect us. Young professionals could also share older generations their enthusiasm and fresh, new ideas. However, new entrants should also respect their experience the time spent in the frontline. We should assess our thoughts and think carefully before we convey our on the job experience to others. Young professionals should learn their “language” to better integrate with the workplace condition.