Landing pages are the doorway into your website, but they are often not fully optimized. If your landing pages are not interesting, the bounce rate is high, which means that many people immediately quit your website. A common problem with your landing pages is that they are not easy to understand. In order to make sense of your landing pages, people will need to read them thoroughly and this will be time consuming. You should assume that people will come only to scan and determine whether your information is direct and useful. You can’t expect people to spend 20 minutes in your landing pages to carefully study them. A good way to improve comprehension is by adding bullets in your landing pages. Information should be provided in manageable chunks. So, people will understand each detail of information in the quickest manner. Any piece of information should be rapidly conveyed, even if people tend to scan your pages. It means that you should refrain from using complex and wordy content.

There’s also a possibility that your content isn’t concise enough. It takes some practice to create highly descriptive sentences that are simple and easy to understand. You should convey your most critical information succinctly that people will be eager to read more and explore your website further. You should make sure that people understand what you are presenting and why it is important for them. Landing pages are an opportunity for you to incorporate enough branding. You should consistently use taglines and logos that remind people about your brand, products and services. You make sure to make things consistent, so your brand can be leveraged effectively. Some landing pages don’t have professional designs. If you use the classic 2000’s designs with plenty of design elements, people will think that your company is somewhat outdated. Today’s designs are simple, but manage to deliver a sense of elegance. This can be performed by using plenty of white space and proper selection of colors. Small colourful elements on the page can make a huge difference.

You should make it simpler for people to reach other parts of your website. The best way is to use the recommended post module in your landing pages. The snapshots of relevant posts in your website will encourage them to click and find new things. If you are selling products in your website, the landing pages shouldn’t only contain compelling information, but also direct and simple way for people to purchase your products. You should focus on things that are truly essential for your consumers. As an example, you should be able to deliver answers to their questions.  Because it’s their first time visiting your website, less is often more. This is not the time for you to overwhelm your audience. You need to be considerate to the people’s time and you shouldn’t cause them to spend too much time in your website, before they get the information that they need. People will return if they have good impression of your website.