The social media marketing strategy is no longer inevitable for any online business today. You can actually take advantage of mainstream social media platforms to develop and apply your strategy so you can get more money.


Facebook has more than a couple of billion users which is the biggest market in a platform. The main strategy in the Facebook platform is, of course, maintaining your own business page. You can take advantages from like button, events, polls, contact us button, email sign-up tab, and so forth. The application could vary but the key point is to engage your followers with this feature. Cross their timeline with updates, promos, and other engaging contents.

Three major strategies in Facebook marketing include promoting your business page to get more followers, engaging prospective customers, taking advantages from ads, and maintaining your contents. It works like a cycle which if it’s maintained well, you’ll drive more users to your business, engage them, and convert potential buyers into actual buyers.


Youtube is a video-sharing-based social media platforms. There various ways to get money from Youtube but the main task is to develop your video contents. Quality contents would be the major force in attracting more viewers. You can develop your strategies by taking advantages of ads and endorsement but you need to have quality contents first. Make sure you encourage viewers to subscribe your channel and you can embed link of your products.


Pinterest surprisingly becomes an effective social media platform to sell more products. The platform is occupied by female users and most of them will buy the products engaged to their pins. In order to response this development, Pinterest provides you with valuable business tools including a specific business account which is more beneficial than a personal account. Sign up for a business account and get your products sold on Pinterest.


Instagram has developed from the image-based platform into the one which supports photos and videos. You need to get followers as many as you can as it’s the basic way to gain access to the market on Instagram. In fact, managing followers is the hardest task if you want to do it organically but the fruit is clear. The major marketing strategy is by managing the hashtags to provide the best exposure of your products through the platforms. Once you’ve posted new products, your followers would see them in seconds. It’s best for fast-selling strategy or promo events like discounts or flash sale.