When it comes to cloud computing, paramount has always been solving the ever-present need for additional storage space. The emphasis has been put on safety of the documents, but since the first Dropbox breach in 2012, cloud users have struggled with a number of doubts. One additional question arose: are there any other storage solutions that can be fully trusted? Multitude of threats continue to appear and security concerns will stay a present issue of the Digital era.

The safety of your personal, especially important business files and documents, is of prime importance. In order to protect your cloud account from an unauthorised third-party access, safety measures have to be taken. Even though cloud computing is still considered a powerful platform, certain concerns and issues are present and are not to be so easily neglected.

Combine Strong Password with a Two-step Verification

Although setting up strong password is still your first line of defence, you cannot rely on it to be the only one, since there are a number of ways in which someone can hack into your account. For this reason, many opt for two-step verification that provides you with the piece of mind even if your password does get stolen. After you set up your cloud account, you will receive a text message with the unique code you are required to enter each time you wish to access your personal or business cloud account. With two-step verification you are creating additional layer of protection that keeps you safe from unwanted intrusions even if a hacker does manage to compromise one of the defence parameters.

Manage Your Passwords

The problem of remembering multitude of passwords on different online accounts can be solved by using one unique password, however, it would leave people terrifyingly vulnerable to hackers. According to the NorSIS Password survey from 2012, the average minimum number of private passwords per user is 17 and It can be safely assumed that over the years, this number has grown. For this reasons, many users decide to install password manager such as LastPass that combines local password manager with cloud-based storage and generates all of your passwords.

Embrace Encryption

Today encryption is considered one of the most reliable defence mechanisms. It also represents the final barrier that keeps your most sensitive data inaccessible to those who wish to violate your privacy. When it comes to client-side encryption, it enables users to store their credentials on their personal computers, making it impossible for a third-party to gain access and obtain user data. Online storage solutions such as pCloud recognizes the importance of data encryption and provide its users with zero-knowledge policy. Thus it can be concluded that crypto folders are most suitable for storing your most sensitive files and documents.

Read the Small Print

Finally, it is important to mention that every online storage solution provides its users with terms of service. However, not many people set aside enough time to go through them and familiarise with the set of conditions. Even though it is a fairly long document that contains a number of technical terms, when on the hunt for the most appropriate cloud storage account that will keep your data safe, it is essential to understand what you are agreeing to.

To prevent others from invading your privacy and corrupting your most sensitive files, it is no longer enough to carefully select a particular online storage solution and set a strong password. Always back it up with with a another layer of protection, and store it in a crypto folder that guarantees zero-knowledge privacy. These safety measures will provide you with utmost security and enable you to store your data securely from any possible attacks, threats or infections.